Thursday, October 29, 2009

Things that Really Piss Me Off.....

There are a lot of things that would piss of a normal person, but don't really bother me. But then again, there are some things that never used to bother me, but now they bother the hell out of me. I sometimes wonder if I'm becoming the narcissistic elderly woman at age 24.

Anyway, the first thing that really pisses me off is when someone speeds up to get in front of you on the freeway, then slows down to 10 miles below the speed limit, giving you no way to change lanes to get around them. ANNOYING!

The next thing that really pisses me off is people who stand in the middle of the aisle at the grocery store with their carts behind them, along the shelves, blocking anyone from being able to go down the aisle without being able to levitate themselves and their cart. You wouldn't do that while driving, park your car in the middle of the lane and then stand in the middle of the road, blocking on-coming traffic. That's not how it's done.

People who constantly have to make completely blatant, totally irreverent comments about things, especially while someone is talking to them and trying to get their point across. These people just like to hear the sound of their own voice.

People who stay up until all hours of the morning, then sleep until late afternoon, THEN complain about how they don't have the day-time to get anything done, like going to doctor appointments or making any calls to businesses that have normal day-time hours. WTF?! Don't you people not realize that there's a reason you don't get anything done?! It's called LAZINESS. Look it up....I can guarantee that there's a picture of all of you right next to the definition in the dictionary.

People who schedule their lives around T.V. shows, whether it is day-time or prime-time. I'm not talking about the people that know when their show comes on and they watch it when they are home. I'm talking about all the people that DVR their shows and spend every waking moment when they aren't at work, school, or sleeping watching all the shows that they "just can't miss". T.V. shows are not that important that you have to schedule your time around them. If the show if THAT important, turn into a cat lady, sit on your couch all day eating bon-bons, and we can mourn you in another 50 or 60 years as someone that was "eccentric", but whom we all know what just CRAZY!

Why do hot dogs come in packages of 10, yet the hot dog buns come in packages of 6 or 8? Who the hell decided on that one?

Why is the Vitamin D milk, which is supposed to be better for you that the other kinds, cost more than the Skim, 1% and 2%? Vitamin D is supposed to be so good for you, yet it's at least .50 to $1.00 more than the rest of them.

That brings me to another good point. Why do all the foods that are supposed to be "health food" or better for you than all the other food in the grocery store, cost so much more than the rest of the food? And all the food that "the experts" tell you is bad for you, are cheaper and taste so damn good?

I think that's all for now......There are so many other things that annoy me, yet so little time to write about them.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Hi everyone. I'm Kat. I'm a 24 year old single mother of a beautiful 6 year old girl, who will b e 7 in November. I have an older brother, Matt age 25, and a younger brother, Bill age 22. I have what I consider an "adopted sister", she's been my best friend for almost 10 years and we are so alike, it's almost like we were separated at birth. I have a fantastic fiancee named Michael. He has 5 children of his own, ranging in age from 19 to 7. Thankfully, they don't all live at home, or I'd be going insane! :) I have two dogs, a Shih Tzu puppy named Ewok (because she looks just like the Ewoks from Star Wars) and a 15 year old Chow/wolf mix named Shadow.

Anyway, I'm a full-time student, going back for my Bachelor's degree in Business Management. I have an Associate's degree in Business Management and Accounting from Waukesha County Technical College. I graduated in December 2008. I am making plans to open my own custom car shop after graduation, hopefully with my sister and her fiancee, as she has the same Associate degree in Business Management that I have and her fiancee is going to school to be a mechanic.

This blog is mostly just for me to rant and rave about things that bother me, or things that are going on in my life that I can't talk to anyone else about or that I don't have anyone else to talk to. I have a sarcastic sense of humor, but I know when to be serious, most of the time. My mother is bi-polar, and I believe that she is also paranoid-schizophrenic, based on the past 24 years of dealing with her. She and I do not get along, mostly because I'm too much like my father. My parents divorced in 1997, when I was 12, but there was a lot of animosity between them long before that. I have tried to go to therapy, to try to get over the things that my mother did and how she treated me, but therapy can only do so much. That's another reason why I wanted to start a blog. Maybe someone will read this and be able to offer suggestions that might help. Otherwise, I guess this blog is so I can vent things so I don't take things out on my fiancee.

Anyway, I think that's it for now. I'll be sure to add more blogs later.