Friday, March 28, 2014

Dreams...What do they mean?

So I finally remembered a dream! Yay me! I don't normally remember them, I don't even know if I do dream every night. I know the experts will say everyone dreams, but I can't help thinking that I don't dream as often as everyone else.

Anyway, my dream involved someone I haven't talked to in probably 6 years but I recently found and friended them on Facebook. I will just call him BS, since I don't know him well enough to know if he cares about me putting his name out there.

He's older than me, I won't say how much, and we met at the bar (of all places) through mutual friends and my dad. My dream was of me and BS coming home from work together, making dinner together, and sleeping together. Actual sleeping, not the xxx kind.

I will admit, I used to be...let's say infatuated with him years ago. He was older, really hot, and promises were made during an alcohol-fueled man auction at the bar one night. Sadly, those promises were not kept, but things changed, I moved and we lost contact. (Not that we really saw each other outside of the bar. That sounds horrible, doesn't it?)

Well, I wish I knew what it meant. He has a girlfriend, I'm in FL, and it is said (myth or not, who knows) that when someone misses you, you dream of them. I've also heard that when you can't sleep at night, it means someone is dreaming of you. Doesn't that mean I should ask him how he slept last night? Hardly. I wouldn't want to have to explain myself and reasons for asking.

I'm sure he's happy with what's-her-face (not being bitchy, I just don't remember right now), and I refuse to be a 1,300 mile-away-home-wrecker.

Regardless of my past infatuation with him, I think I'll just keep the dream details to myself and think fondly on memories.

Who knows...maybe its just my subconscious telling me to get laid. Lol.

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