Thursday, April 22, 2010

What to do, What to do......

I have no idea what to do. He's got more, and worse, PMS than I do, yet he doesn't want to see it. He tells me that he wants my help with certain things, yet when I try to help him, he just says I'm "making him feel stupid" or acting like I don't love him. Well, when he acts like this all the time, it's hard as hell to love him. He's acting like my mother and I don't deal well with that. When I try to tell him that I can't deal with him when he acts like it, he just tells me that I don't love him or that I want him to change yet I won't see what I'm doing that needs to change.

What the hell am I supposed to do? I can't leave, because I have no where to go. I know that when most people say that, they actually do have somewhere to go, but I truly have no where to go. My dad's moving to Florida, my mom hates me, my brothers can't stand me, and my so-called friends, the ones that bitched me out for being with him, can't seem to get off their high horses and see that something's wrong, that I need their help. But whatever.

I'm just going to go away for a while and the people I want to talk to, I'll let them know when I'm back. Later!

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