Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Things Change

It's strange how much people can grow and mature in short periods of time. I talk to a few friends from high school, people who didn't want to grow up and be responsible back then, and now, they are responsible and are starting families. Then I talk to more people from high school, people I knew but never really hung out with, for various reasons. I talk to them and realize that we have nothing in common, if we ever did.

There are a few people I talk to that tried to be mature and responsible in high school, people I was very good friends with, and talking to them now, after being out of high school for about 6 years, and I realize that we have grown apart. We no longer have anything in common and even trying to talk about bland topics is a struggle to think of things to say. Maybe I am more mature than I was in high school, maybe they aren't as mature as I am or as I was in high school. But some thing has changed and it's strange. People I used to sit with for hours and talk to about anything, I can't think of anything to say now. It's almost as if life has changed both of us, not experiences so much as just maturity and life and our thought processes. It get depressing to think that the people I used to spend so much time with and we would finish each other's sentences, now we barely squeeze out a 5 minute conversation.

Life is strange sometimes, I guess.

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