Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I'm proud of what Arizona is doing. The entire country and it's LEGAL citizens need to step up and tell all the illegals that our ancestors came here LEGALLY and if they want to be here so bad, then they can do it the way the rest of us did. There's nothing wrong with people learning the language and doing things legally. If we just deport all of the illegals here, they will just be running back across the border in a few days anyway. If we actually took PRIDE in our country and realized that while the Statue of Liberty does say "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free", it does not say "Hey, come here illegally, take our jobs and money, and in a few years run back to your original country and live high on the hog on OUR MONEY". It does not say that anywhere and REAL Americans will eventually pull their heads out of the sand and do what's is right for the country.

Immigration reform is sorely needed and soon. I'm so tired of walking into a store and not being able to talk to the store clerks because none of them speak English and the ones that do, know minimal English at best. So what the hell am I supposed to do? Put myself out for illegal immigrants and learn Spanish? Hell no. This is AMERICA and we speak ENGLISH here. Either learn it or move the hell out of the country. My ancestors moved here from Europe three generations ago and they had no problem learning English and still keeping their heritage intact. So speak spanish all you want at home, but learn English and USE IT.

You illegals came here because it's so much better than your original country, yet you want everyone here, who is a legal citizen, to cater to you and make everything easier for you. Well what about all the legal citizens that have to pay higher taxes now because you had to go to the emergency room and you didn't have insurance to pay for it? That expense goes on to the citizens that pay taxes and have insurance. We are the ones supporting you and your illegal status here in the Unites States of America. Sure, this is a free country and we have better rights for our citizens than your country, but then, that's all the more reason to come here LEGALLY. If America is the Land of the Free and you really want to be here that bad, do it the right way.

If I wanted to leave America to go to...Germany, let's say, and I did it illegally, they would either charge me and put me in jail, or ship me back to my country of origin and I would face charges and a trial there. Yet, in America, the government seems to turn a blind eye to the immigration problem that we have. Social Security will be completely gone by the time I retire (in about 40 years if I'm lucky), and it's because over the years the government has taken money time and again from Social Security to pay for other things and has never paid it back. And will all the illegals living in the United States, there are more and more costs that need to be covered and the government sees Social Security as an easy way to pay for it. Well it's not as easy as it looks.

Arizona should be applauded for what they are doing. They are doing that most Americans think the government should do, but the government is afraid to do it. They think that mexico will boycott America and we will stop receiving whatever it is we receive in trade agreements from mexico. Well, I don't really care what we get from mexico. If they cannot stop their residents from leaving and coming here illegally, then we need to do something. Building a wall along the border will not do anything, because the mexicans will just dig underneath it. Hell, they run, jump, and swim across now as it is, what's to stop them from adding a new sport to their border-crossing olympics?

Illegal immigrants are like those annoying little gnats that fly around the food at a family picnic, they won't go away with a swap of a hand but you don't really want to spray bug killer around the food, so you just kind of put up with them until it's time to leave. Well, that's the government. They try to ignore the illegal immigration problem because they 'have better things to do' with the 100 days that the Senate and House of Representative are actually working each year, and they are too afraid to spray the bug killer that is needed.

It's irritating that more people are not speaking out about this. I am a fourth-generation German American, and I do not see on ANY forms that I have EVER filled out anywhere that says German-American where spics have their mexican American. Even the census that came out recently made sure that the wet-backs had their own race, but the people that came here legally got nothing but white and black. There are German Americans, Polish Americans, Norwegian Americans, French Americans, Canadian Americans, and many others, and yet none of us got our own section. How is that fair? This is supposed to be a fair country, is it not?

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