Friday, March 16, 2012

So much has happened.......

It's been so long since I wrote anything and so much has happened. I'm happy to say that I'm about 12 weeks pregnant...BUT....the father isn't in the picture, because he is in jail for domestic abuse against me. He isn't actually charged with domestic; rather he's been charged with disorderly conduct, resisting an officer (cuz he ran when I called the cops on him), and intimating a victim (cuz he broke the mandatory 72 hour restraining order by calling me 84 times in less than 8 hours.) 

I hate feeling this alone, like I'm not worth anything or anyone. It's hard, because I have had problems all my life with feeling inadequate, feeling worthless, and feeling like I'm not worth it for anyone to date, marry, or spend their life with, like I'm only good as a sex partner. I hate feeling like that, but how can I change it? How can I change how I feel about myself, when I'm all alone? How do I love myself, when no one loves me? 

Anyway, I'm excited and nervous about the baby. I find out in a few months what I'm going to have, but I'm just hoping that the baby is healthy and nothing goes wrong. I wish with everything that I am that the baby is healthy. I can't imagine what it would do to me. I have wanted another child for so long, that if I were to lose this one, it would probably destroy me, regardless of how much it hurts to be away from him. 

God, it hurts so much.....more than when my daughter's father broke up with me, more than when my mother said she wished she never had me, more than when my grandfather died. I don't know why it hurts so bad, other than maybe it hurts so bad because I feel so alone? I don't even know. That makes it hard too, not knowing for sure which emotions are what, which ones come from which trigger. I wish I had the option to talk to someone that could help, but I don't have a therapist anymore, and all my friends that I would talk to are busy with their lives,. too busy to be bothered with my many problems. I don't blame them, it's all part of being an adult, having to take care of yourself and your own problems. Still, it would be nice to be able to talk to someone that didn't tell me that they have nothing to say. I don't want someone to tell me what to do or how to feel; just someone to listen and be sympathetic, let me cry on their shoulder and release all these pent-up emotions. But I can't do that. I've always been the strong one, the one to suffer silently. Like Bella Swan, as Rick said many times. I hide my feelings, because to show my feelings is to set myself up to get hurt. Well, whether I show my feelings or not, I still get hurt, so what's the point in hiding or showing off? 

The hardest part is, I still love him. I know I should get over him and move on, but it's so hard. I think his name or hear it, and my heart skips. I dream about raising our family together, getting married and buying a house. The problem is, my head knows that none of that will happen, but my heart thinks differently. It is damn near impossible for my head and my heart to find a common ground. It's an on-going battle, neither one willing to give an inch so that I can stop hurting. No matter what I try - staying up all night, not sleeping, to try to avoid dreaming of him; surrounding myself with books and movies and music, anything that will attempt to take my mind off him; drowning my sorrows in pizza, ice cream, cookies, and other bad food - Rick still manages to creep into my mind and ruin whatever meager solace I managed to find from the pain. 

And....while I realize that everything is so messed up (I'm living with Chris now, instead of having my own place at 26, and being in control of my life), I am optimistic that things will eventually change for the better. It can't get much worse than all of this, right? I sure hope not. I don't know how much more I can take of all of this.......

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