Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Hopeless Romantic...

I'll be the first to admit that I am a hopeless romantic. I watch 'chic flicks' and wonder why I can't find a guy like that, why my life doesn't turn out that way. Yes, I know that movies and books are not real, but it would be nice to know whether or not there is someone out there for me that really truly wants me for me, not because he likes the idea of me. I am intelligent, opinionated, dedicated, passionate, honest; I've been hurt so much in the past that I put up walls and no one sees these things, except for those close to me that have seen me through the worst and helped picked me up when I fall.

I want to travel the world, see Italy, Germany, Ireland, Scotland, Russia, and as many historical locations in the United States as I can fit into one lifetime. I want to have more kids, but only with someone that will appreciate children and love my daughter as his own. My daughter has a father; I'm not looking for a replacement. But I refuse to put my daughter to the wayside while I flit from guy to guy, trying to find one that truly wants to me with me in all my different attitudes, moods, whatever. I don't want to have to explain to anyone why I want to do laundry at a certain time, or go to the store, or whatever. I want to be able to hold a conversation with someone that doesn't revolve around household chores, work, or the problems we have with our family. I want to talk about books I've read, movies I've enjoyed, current affairs; I want to talk about all that and more, without someone saying "It doesn't directly affect me, so I don't care about it". I can't be with someone that buries their head in the sand and ignores the world.

I am not what most people would call a 'classy' woman. I don't like champagne, or wine, or expensive dinners. Well, an expensive dinner once in a while might be nice, granted only if the food is worth it. I wear jeans and a T-shirt most of the time, and tennis shoes unless I feel like dressing up a little bit. I hate wearing make-up most of the time, but I do like what make-up can do to bring out my eyes. I just hate the amount of time it takes to get it looking right. I wish I could wake up in the morning and have it already be done. I swear like a sailor, I don't care who I offend. I will be the first to admit that I am nowhere near politically correct. I drink beer and hard liquor. I don't like champagne. I don't like wine. I love country music, and other genres of music, depending on my mood.

My dad has always been there for me. He's my rock. We are two peas in a pod, more like best friends than father and daughter. Of course, most people think that is weird, strange, not right, whatever. But I don't really care. My dad is the only person I KNOW I can count on. There are a few others that I can sometimes count on, but they tend to move in and out of my life whenever it suits them. My sister is different. We are best friends, but talking to her is much different than talking to my dad.However, tthere isn't much that one knows that the other doesn't. I can tell my dad that I really like or really hate a guy. My sister will dissect the pros and cons of someone with me, while my dad just says that he wants me to be happy, and if they hurt me, he will hurt them. I think that's a dad thing. But they are there for me whatever happens. If I make a bad decision, or a string of them for that matter, they will always be there to help me up, brush me off, and tell me that they are glad that I finally came to my senses. They won't say 'I told you so' but I can tell that they think it. And I'm totally fine with that.

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