Tuesday, October 15, 2013

And I will walk 1300 miles....

Or fly 1300 miles, actually.

So I know I said I would write more in the next 2 weeks, but as usual, life kind of took over all my time. Then I found out one of my friends from college has been battling breast cancer all summer, so that threw me for a loop. 

So I have 8 days until our flight to Florida. I can't believe the time has gone by so fast. I still have so much to do and so much to ship. The day we leave will have a high temp of 53, when we land it will be 84 in Florida. Such a big change, especially with going through O'Hare Airport with an almost-13 month old who has never flown and the last time I flew with a child, it was my other kid who was only 4 months old and I was flying with her, my dad, and his (at the time) girlfriend, so if there was an issue or I had to use the restroom, one of them could watch her. I don't have the luxury this time around. 

Honestly, I'm kind of scared. I've living in WI all my life, and now I'm packing up everything I own (that I can afford to ship; the rest will be Goodwill'd or just thrown away) to move 1300 miles to a state I have visited only a handful of times. I will be going when it is the 'winter' down there, so I don't have to deal with the high temps right away. It will just be a temperature shock those first few days as we adjust to 80s instead of 50s. I'm scared to live with my grandma, because it is her house and I don't want to seem ungrateful or imposing. I'm scared to live with my dad and my older brother again, because I don't get along with my brother at all and my dad is recovering from surgery and has his own issues to deal with. I'm scared to go down there, but I'm also afraid to go down there and have to hide who I am. Which I will probably have to do, because I don't want to cause more issues than I already am by moving down there. 

It is a huge fuster-cluck, moving, packing, selling, re-packing, wondering if my roommate (ex-boyfriend) will actually pay me what he says he will for the truck. I'm keeping the title until I get the total amount anyway, because I'm not taking the chance that he's going to keep telling me all the crap he needs to do to the truck before he pays me anything. If he doesn't pay me anything before I leave, I will junk the truck myself and take a cab to the airport. He seems to have more excuses as to why he can't pay me than a mental hospital has patients. 

Anyway, I have been feeling very alone lately. I don't have my best friend to talk to; I don't have a boyfriend worthy of my emotional and physical issues; I have a wonderful child that I feel like I can't even pay proper attention to because I have so many thoughts in my head that I can barely remember to use the restroom or feed myself. Maybe I'm feeling a little depressed at the thought of leaving the state that I have lived in for 28 years.

Speaking of 28 years! I was sick on my birthday with an Upper Respiratory Infection and Pneumonia, so I couldn't even be excited for the day of my birth, because every time I did something that got my heart rate or breathing up, I would cough uncontrollably. I'm feeling better now, but I think my daughter has something now. Not pneumonia or a URI but definitely a cold. So she feels like poo, I have so much going on in my head that I can't sleep, and we have just 8 short days until everything is finalized and we are in the sky, flying our way to Sarasota/Bradenton Airport. 

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