Monday, July 11, 2011


I know I broke up with him almost a month ago, but I can't get over him. Oh, I still hate his family. His mother is the worst waste of space that I have ever seen. She was here last weekend, while my sister, her husband, and I went to Summerfest. The cops came to the back door, because the neighbor's dog got out and one of the neighbors has complained about his back door being wide open. Does she bother to call me, the person that lives here, to tell me that the cops had been here?? NOPE. She waits until 11:30 at night when I got home, to bombard me with the information as soon as I walked in the door. I flipped on her, of course, because she doesn't have 2 brain cells to rub together to make a coherent thought. I told M that his mother is not allowed back into MY home when I am not going to be here. I can't trust her. I mean, I live here, so I need to know who comes to the door, what happens. And it wasn't just that one thing. I had told her many times NOT to leave water in my pots and pans, because it will ruin them. What did she do last weekend? She left water in a pan. I would have bitched at her for that, only she was gone and on her way home before I noticed the pan in the sink. The third thing that happened, that I bitched at her for when I got home that night, was her taking my dog outside on her leash. I have a run set up in the front yard for my dog, so you can just let her out and she only has about 20 feet or so. It keeps her on the front yard and far enough away from the sidewalk that no one can complain about her. Well, M's mom decided to take my dog outside on her leash every time she wanted to go out. His mom said that my dog went out about 3 times more than she normally does. That was because when you hook her up to her leash, she thinks she's going for a walk! I explained this to his mom many many times, and she still doesn't understand it.

The other person I hate from his family is his grandmother. She is an annoying, can't do anything for herself when I'm here, but can do it when I'm not around, repeat herself all the time, and can't figure out what the dog's name is, even though I've told her thousands of times, total pain in my ass. She seems to be intent on making my life miserable. I know that she is 86 years old, but she doesn't have Alzheimer's, she doesn't have any kind of disease or illness or anything that would prevent her from doing anything or remembering the damn dog's name. She wonders why the dog never listens to her. Well...that would be because she calls the dog Rocky, and the dog's name is ROXY. The dog knows her name, so it makes sense that the dog wouldn't listen when you call her the wrong name! But no, that old bag can't figure it out. And if the old rag's voice wasn't so annoying, I would just let Roxy do whatever she wants. But her voice is like nails on a chalkboard, so I yell Roxy's name and tell her to go lay down, just to get that damn woman to shut the hell up! I will be SOOO fucking happy when she finally kicks the damn bucket. Honestly, if I knew how to do it and get away with it, I would poison her and finally be rid of her. But I don't, so I can't.

M's 'father' (sperm donor is more like it) isn't much better than his mom and his grandmother. His father doesn't believe anything unless you prove it to him, and even then, he still stands there and says 'well that can't be right'. I just proved it to you, you moron! Of course it's right!

Honestly, I thought MY family was fucked up. No, M's family is a million times worse than my family. At least only one side of my family is fucked up (mom's). BOTH sides of his family are fucked up. His mother can't use her head for more than a hat rack; his sister is so fucked up and such a hypochondriac that I'm surprised she wakes up every day, instead of killing herself in her sleep with all the medications she insists she needs; his grandmother is content to do the same damn things every single day, yet complains to her daughter (M's mom) that she wants to get out of the house more. Well, stop walking with that damn walker and start using the cane you just HAD to have, and maybe you can get out more. Stop acting like an invalid, because you aren't one! His mother had one of M's friends build a wooden thing for the back step, so that grandmother can 'go down that step easier'. She did this while I was at Summerfest, so of course she didn't call me and ask me if I had the money to pay him for the wood, or pay for the stain and weather proofing that needs to be done, so the wood doesn't rot away in a year. No, she doesn't call me and ask me anything. She just decides that grandmother needs it - she never asked for it, his mom just decided that grandmother needed it, even though she never complained about it - and puts me up for more money, which I don't have. I swear, if it was legal to kill someone and I knew for a fact I would get away with it, I would wipe out his whole family. They have smoked themselves stupid, or were just born this dumb. I don't know for sure, but I am VERY surprised that they have each made it this far in life, being as stupid as they are. I'm surprised that they didn't fall down stairs while drunk, or played chicken with a train and end up as a 'these people did stupid shit and died' statistic. 

I have tried to talk to his mother about all of this, but it's like talking to a brick wall. No, a brick wall is smarter than her. I have talked and repeated myself until I was damn near blue in the face, and she never changes. I haven't told her yet that I don't want her here when I'm not here, but I'm thinking about calling her in the morning and bitching her out, again, and ending with me telling her I don't want her here ever again. I don't even trust her to be here when I'm actually here, much less when I'm not here. I'm surprised she hasn't killed her mother yet, as little regard she shows for MY house rules and MY home in general.

I have little patience for stupid people, and his family has cornered the market on stupid. There aren't enough words to describe just how stupid they are. I know I shouldn't let it get to me, but I can only handle so much stupid, before I just want to haul off and smack the stupid out of someone. Of course, if I tried to do that with his family, I would beat them to death, because they are so stupid that no amount of beating will stop them.

Sure, I've done plenty of stupid things in my life; I don't pretend that I'm perfect. I'm far from it. But I limit my stupidity to only once or twice per day. They have maybe ONE half-assed smart move per day, all three of them combined, and that's on a perfect day! I doubt the three of them have more than 10 smart or half-smart thoughts, actions, etc. per year.

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