Saturday, June 11, 2011

Those DAMNED illegals are EVERYWHERE!

This blog actually started as a comment on a article (link is here:
It just got so long that I couldn't fit it all in the comment section. But here it is, for anyone that wants to read my thoughts on the subject. 

The problem here is that the law is open to interpretation. That's how the laws are applied. Personally, I have no problem with the illegals being kicked out, not given a free education, etc. Just because you were born here, doesn't mean that you don't get kicked out with your illegal parents!! I am a 4th generation German-American. my great-grandparents came over here from Germany, with a sponsor, they learned English, learned American History (what history there was at the time), and they passed the test to become an American Citizen. I don't mind if people come here from other countries; the U.S. is the 'melting pot' of the world. What I have a problem with is these low-life illegals coming here, taking the money that I put into Social Security and other programs, while they decide that they are 'too good' to learn English and want everything else to be translated into Spanish for them. Have any of you been to the DMV lately? Or even to the grocery store, gas station, or called a Customer Service number? THIS IS AMERICA! WHERE THE HELL DOES IT SAY THAT I HAVE TO PRESS 'ONE' FOR ENGLISH?!

It's just like high school or college - If you don't belong in the class, you get kicked out, whether the reason be you failed a prerequisite class, you didn't pay, or you are just too stupid to follow the information. That applies to illegals too. I'm sick and tired of, every stinking time I turn on the news or the radio, there is yet ANOTHER report of some bastard illegal getting into a horrible car accident with no license and no insurance, or driving drunk and killing someone, or robbing a store/bank, and what happens? They go to trial, at taxpayers expense. They are held in jail, at taxpayers expense. They serve their time, at taxpayers expense. When their sentence is over, they are deported, at taxpayers expense. But what stops them from coming right back over the border illegally again? Oh yea, that's right. Not a Damn THING! They get a free ride in the U.S., get sent back to Mexico, and in a few weeks or months, they are right back here. If Americans weren't so "holier-than-thou" and would actually work the jobs that illegals do, we wouldn't have this problem. Of course, employers LOVE having illegals, because they don't have to pay payroll tax, they don't have to pay insurance, and if someone goofs off, they can fire that one and there are 2,000,000 waiting in line to take their place.

There was talk in my area that the illegals wanted the state to allow them to have driver's licenses, but because they couldn't provide a Social Security card and a U.S. birth certificate, they aren't able to get a license. Well, here's an idea to fix that - Set aside every Saturday for 6 months at the DMV where no one will be helped, except illegals that want to get a driver's license. When they go outside for the driver's test, have the U.S. Marshals and ICE waiting out back, with a bunch of semi trailers and truck drivers. Stuff the illegals into the back of the trucks (they should be used to it, that's how they arrived in the U.S. anyway) and ship their asses out to the Nevada Desert. Don't take them back to Mexico, or we will just have to round them up again. Take them to Nevada and have the military bases out there practice their target shooting. Hey, even once a month, have a gun club rent out the military firing range and let the gun club take care of the illegals! That's even better than having the military do it. The military has enough to do already; let someone else take care of it. Hell, gun clubs are used to hitting useless targets, so shooting the illegals won't take much work. Take it up a notch, and have the illegals try to escape from the firing squad. That would make it even MORE fun! This is America and, according to the rest of the world, we are a bunch of lazy, over-fed and under-worked, boring people. Well, we will cease to be those things if we have a little target practice with the illegals! You can even let the kids get in on it; just give them a paint-ball gun. The adults, or those with actual, legal guns and a license to carry, can take care of the paint-covered Spics after the kids get bored and leave to do something else. (And the kids will leave, they always do when something no longer holds their attention)

Anyway, now that you have read my blog about illegals Spics (when I say Spics, I don't mean just Mexicans. I mean every single solitary waste of space that has entered the U.S. illegally), I guess it is time for you to find something else to do! I can't keep your attention here indefinitely! Nor do I want your attention here indefinitely. So read what you want, and move the hell on! (Oh, and I mean that in the best possible way) :-)

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