Sunday, February 23, 2014

Don't pin that shit on me

I hate when my older brother takes money from my dad's money clip, doesn't ask Dad first, then blames me for taking it when Dad asks him about it. I have no reason to steal money from Dad. Honestly, if I ask for it and give a good reason for it (diapers, wipes, shampoo, etc.), Dad says yes, so why just take it? He's been the one to take money repeatedly, then pay it back when he gets paid, so why try to pin it on me? Man the hell up and say "yea, ya know, paying back all my student loans and other bills left me short this week. Can I borrow a 20 til Thursday?" He gets paid every Thursday, so why not just ask? Or budget yourself better. Don't go out for fast food every single day, sometimes twice, and then bitch about not having any money! I may not be the best when it comes to budgeting my money, but I don't buy a $250 flat screen when I a) have a perfectly good tv at home and b) don't have the money to spare due to other responsibilities/bills. Don't act holier than thou to me just because I choose to have my kids instead of browbeating my girlfriends into having abortions like you did 3 times (that I know of). So piss off. Don't make me the bad guy when you still battle a drug and alcohol addiction

Friday, February 7, 2014

Redneck Wine Tasting

Since I've never had wine before, I decided to get a bottle of a sweet white and a bottle of sweet red, to see which one I liked. Put them in the fridge and promptly forgot they were there. Finally, after about a week, I opened them tonight. Really like the white, not so fond of the red. But maybe it will taste better with a meal instead of just me reading a book after the little one is in bed.

I post these from the internet browser on my cell, since I have choose to stay close to the little one, instead of having Big D or Double G take care of her if she wakes while I'm busy on the laptop rooms away.

Anyway, I decided to go really cheap (why spend $$$$ on a wine I might hate when I can spend $ and figure it out?) So I stopped by the upscale Aldi's and grabbed the bottles. The 'sweet' red really wasn't all that sweet and tasted kind of like what I imagine licking the bottom of a golf shoe might taste like. The sweet white, however, is much better. Sweet, fruity, and not at all dirty.

In the future, I'll probably use the red as a cooking wine or marinade for red meat, instead of a relaxing glass or two in the evening. The sweet white...well, let's just say I will be redneck and grab another bottle this weekend. And make plans to keep it on hand.

I used to drink beer when I went out, sometimes even mixed drinks. Drank a lot of shots too, got into trouble drinking too much. But I'm almost 30. I figure it is time to hang up the beer goggles, so to speak, and grow up. (that statement applies to way more than just drinking in my life, just so you know.)

Now I know which one I like better and how relaxing it really is to sit in a quiet room with a glass of wine and a good book after the little one is down for the night.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

A milestone that never should have been...

So tonight, my sweet daughter is going to bed for the first time without a pacifier. I never wanted her to have it, but someone I lived with decided, when I wasn't home, that she needed one. I hate those damn useless annoying face plugs!

But since my sweetie decided to launch not one but both of her pacifiers into the Manatee River this morning while we walked on the RiverWalk with Dad and the dogs, I refuse to buy more.

I firmly believe that pacifiers stunt a child's ability to learn to talk, as well as deforms their mandible and teeth, making braces a higher possibility later in life than a child who does not use a pacifier.

That being said, my daughter had her 15 month check up last week, and everything is golden. Her height and weight are great, she's walking wonderfully, and she's finally growing hair! Lol. She's been a cueball for so long, it is strange to see her with hair. It's almost long enough to put into a Pebbles-esque pony tail atop her head; I just have to teach her to leave it alone.

With everything that has gone sideways and backwards, everything that I've done wrong and the people I've hurt, it feels kinda nice to know that small things are starting to fall into place, which means the big things are more likely to follow. I can't wait until I am finally able to right some of the wrongs I've done.