Sunday, February 2, 2014

A milestone that never should have been...

So tonight, my sweet daughter is going to bed for the first time without a pacifier. I never wanted her to have it, but someone I lived with decided, when I wasn't home, that she needed one. I hate those damn useless annoying face plugs!

But since my sweetie decided to launch not one but both of her pacifiers into the Manatee River this morning while we walked on the RiverWalk with Dad and the dogs, I refuse to buy more.

I firmly believe that pacifiers stunt a child's ability to learn to talk, as well as deforms their mandible and teeth, making braces a higher possibility later in life than a child who does not use a pacifier.

That being said, my daughter had her 15 month check up last week, and everything is golden. Her height and weight are great, she's walking wonderfully, and she's finally growing hair! Lol. She's been a cueball for so long, it is strange to see her with hair. It's almost long enough to put into a Pebbles-esque pony tail atop her head; I just have to teach her to leave it alone.

With everything that has gone sideways and backwards, everything that I've done wrong and the people I've hurt, it feels kinda nice to know that small things are starting to fall into place, which means the big things are more likely to follow. I can't wait until I am finally able to right some of the wrongs I've done.

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