Sunday, February 23, 2014

Don't pin that shit on me

I hate when my older brother takes money from my dad's money clip, doesn't ask Dad first, then blames me for taking it when Dad asks him about it. I have no reason to steal money from Dad. Honestly, if I ask for it and give a good reason for it (diapers, wipes, shampoo, etc.), Dad says yes, so why just take it? He's been the one to take money repeatedly, then pay it back when he gets paid, so why try to pin it on me? Man the hell up and say "yea, ya know, paying back all my student loans and other bills left me short this week. Can I borrow a 20 til Thursday?" He gets paid every Thursday, so why not just ask? Or budget yourself better. Don't go out for fast food every single day, sometimes twice, and then bitch about not having any money! I may not be the best when it comes to budgeting my money, but I don't buy a $250 flat screen when I a) have a perfectly good tv at home and b) don't have the money to spare due to other responsibilities/bills. Don't act holier than thou to me just because I choose to have my kids instead of browbeating my girlfriends into having abortions like you did 3 times (that I know of). So piss off. Don't make me the bad guy when you still battle a drug and alcohol addiction

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