Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Can't be good enough, Can't seem to win

There are so many times when I have just wanted to say "screw it" and leave, but there have also been the good times, when I felt more love for him than I ever thought possible. But what happened last night was inexcusable. He got physical, broke the screen for my laptop that I use for school, and I was honestly scared out of my mind for the first time since Jake. I can't get past the feeling that I'm going to end up in the same position as before, being with someone that I can't get away from because I have no where else to go. I love him, but I can't be with him if he is going to continue to act like that. He knows he has anger issues, yet he doesn't even try to do anything to try to keep his anger under control.

No matter what I do or say, I can't seem to be good enough for what he wants. I can't be good enough to win. He wants everyone to be exactly how HE wants them, not accepting them for who they are. He tries to change everyone around him, trying to mold them to his "vision" of what they should be and how they should act. Every time we argue, no matter who starts the fight, he spends the entire time telling me everything that I do that's wrong, everything that I do that causes us to fight. He doesn't want to see that he is part of the problem, not part of the solution, especially because he can't see what he does that causes problems. 

I've tried to tell him that I want to be with him, but I can't if he is going to act the way he does, and it's like he doesn't even hear me, like it's in one ear and out the other. When I tell him that he needs to change or I'm gone, he doesn't even try to fight to keep me, which makes me wonder if he actually wants to be with me. But, of course, I can't ASK HIM if he wants to be with me, because (according to him) I'm trying to push him away by making him "second-guess" our relationship. I'm not trying to do anything like that. I just want to know what he's thinking, because he never wants to open up to me, when we are fighting or otherwise. I can't win. 

No matter what happens, I can't win. I can't be good enough for him. No matter how hard I try, it is always one step forward, five steps back.

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