Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Just a few thoughts on love....

Like and unlike many, I have experienced what it is like to fall and stay in love. True, I have felt the sting of love scorned and affection derailed. However, to feel love....actual and whole-hearted love....is something that I can only wish everyone could feel at least once in their life. Not so much to give equilibrium to an emotional, out-of-control world, often blinded and fooled by belly-button rings, tribal band tattoos, and misinformed youth, but rather to educate the world on how valuable a treasure of someone's love really is. 

Love can be translated into thousands of different languages and likewise can be defined differently by almost everyone. From the gold diggers to the hopeless (or angry) romantics, we all have our own personal way of placing value on the words "I love you". Different ways to earn it and what it costs someone to gain it. Saying that, I can't speak on behalf of the entire world, but I can speak for myself and my sisters still waiting for that Knight in Shining Armor, Mr. Right, whatever we dream of when we think of that special someone.

When I say to someone "I love you", it is not limited to that single moment. What it really means is that I wake up in the morning and can't get you out of my mind. When I'm at the store, I'm looking at everything from the cookies you like, to the vegetables you hate. It means that I've taken the time to memorize your shirt and pant sizes, utilize your friends to pull off big surprises, and would drive or fly miles just to see you for a few moments. It means that I'll hold your hand on top of the dinner table, but play footsie with you underneath it. It means that I'll cry with you when you cry, laugh with you when you laugh, hug you and kiss you without fail....every single change I get. 

How I define love is based on personal experiences and observations on what exactly love is NOT. Love takes time, attention, loyalty, and cooperation. It means that I respect the one that I love and would do whatever it took to give them the best life one could have. To me....my love is my future. He is my soul mate, my best friend, and loyal confidant. Far too many times, women demand respect from their "loved" one when they are really demanding submission. They expect their boyfriend to be at certain places, call at certain times, talk to certain people and shun others. I take, for example, a young girl whom I used to work with. A young and beautiful thing, trapped in an immature relationship, that breeds nothing but more immaturity. Graduating from college soon, with aspirations of gaining a PhD someday, she is shackled to a boyfriend that refuses her the allowance of time, leisure, or friendship, outside of his pre-set social circle. Yet time and time again, she fore-goes spending time with her friends whenever her authoritarian boyfriend chimes in and demands her company. Now, before I deal with an onslaught of comments attempting to enlighten me to the fact that perhaps THAT type of relationship is what they are both looking for, I will fortify my case.

Love is a democracy....not a dictatorship. Love is the co-existence of two people that do everything in their power to work, eat, think, and live for each other. They attempt to devote a passion to one another that is unmatched by many, but noticed by everyone. When I am with the one I love, I want to walk into a mall and have walkers-by wonder what we have that they don't. I want my love to shine like the top of the Chrysler building on a clear Spring day. 

Ladies and gentlemen, love is an incredible thing. It has caused wars and prevented them. It has created life and ended it. It has helped people rise, as well as caused them to fall. It can be the single most precious thing we ever gain, and at the same time, cripple us at our weakest moments. It is NOT something we should just give away to someone we can "have a good time with". But should be saved for someone we can live and die with. 

That's what I mean when I say....I love you.

1 comment:

  1. i couldnt have said it better myself. when you get into the moment of it you sound like i do writig when i get into the moment of it. beautful words.
